Sunday, March 13, 2011

better late than never!

Well Taryn's 1st birthday came and went with a bang. Unfortunately she came down with the flu the week of her birthday so we had to make a last minute executive decision to reschedule her party for another week. It was an easy decision as I didn't want to have a house full of kids that could potentially get sick, so we had it on the 6th of March.  Rescheduling is nothing new to Taryn as she arrived two days before my scheduled baby shower, so that had to be rescheduled as well. We knew how to handle it!! Here are some pictures from her actual birthday and then her party!

Her actual birthday, feeling under the weather, but starting to come around..

The day after her birthday, we got her an ice cream cake to celebrate since, she didn't have her party. She didn't get any cake but it was the thought that counts right?


all the kids with hats!

eating her cake

family photo...

more pictures on my website:

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